Alternatives Database
SimMuscle II
Producer: BioMedizin & Technik GbRSimMuscle offers a fully equipped, realistically appearing laboratory on the computer screenn to perform classical experiments with isolated nerve-muscle preparations of the frog. All stimulation and recording parameters of the virtual devices are freely adjustable.
Mathematical algorithns guarantee for the appropriated reactions of the virtual muscle, also considering the biological diversity of the preparations.
Featured experiments:
Single twitches and their stimulus dependencies (recruitement of motor units), superposition of single twitches, tetanic contractions, resting tension curves (pre-stretching), curves of isometric and isotonic maxima, muscle fatigue.
Language: German, English
Year of production: 2014
Medium: CD-ROM
System requirements: Windows 3.x or later; Macintosh OS 7 or later; 12 MB RAM; sound card; monitor with at least 256 colours (32k recommended)
Price: to ask for prices, please, send a mail to Hans Braun (